today, I was left to fend for myself.... so I just made a nutritious snack of rice, tuna and mini cheddars
and no, I don't really know why I felt the need to inform you all of that
anyway, Outfit pictures:
and another picture of my ear....
I swear I am incapable of actually taking attractive pictures of me except from my ear.
This one was for shopping
also, posing-face :D
In the background, you can see the result of my utter laziness last week: my room is a tip, hehe
< and this was a procrastination-day
I actually can't remember what I did....
someone please give me a purpose in life
(other than Takeru-worshipping, hehe)
has anyone got tips on stopping tights laddering?
finally, a close up of my shirt.
ponies with sunglasses.
that's all I'm saying.
over and out (^O^)/
I'll dig you hip cats later~
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