Hey y'all!
today, I thought I'd do a haul post of some of the cute stuff I've bought lately~
*this post is v picture heavy*
Let's go~
So firstly, Amazon gets:
(I love buying stuff online because it's like sending a present to yourself, right?)
Everyone always raves about the EOS lip balms, so I thought I'd try it out :)
I bought the pomegranate and raspberry flavoured one and so far, I'm pretty pleased with it. I bought it for like £2 but I can't find the exact link :/
Next up are these adorable cat tights!
I know, I'm pretty late to this trend, but ah well.
I was a bit worried they'd be too flimsy and would break easily, but then when I saw them for £3 here I decided to get them.

here are some pictures of me wearing them:
(please ignore bad picture quality and my super messy room (>////<)

And these shoes from Garage: they were in the sale for £18 and when I saw them I literally screamed~ (the whole shop was staring at me, oops)
They kind of remind me of buffalo trainers? except at like 1/5 of the price. I'm not sure how long they will last though, on account of them being fairly cheap. I'll enjoy them for as long as I can, I guess ^^
And last, something that I have wanted for as long as I can remember- a real Boy London sweater!!
I got it from the shop 'Choice' and it was reduced to £36. That still seems pretty pricey to me as I'm used to shopping in Primark, but I have wanted it for sooo long! It's super comfy and warm~
Right, that's everything~ Unsuprisingly, I have completely run out of money after buying all this stuff... hehe
I also bought a tonne of CDs in the HMV sale and from online :D
See you next time~