(picture off the Japan Underground blog)
Ever since the lovely Chriss (a.k.a. the girl with the best hair and also the best music taste ever!)
introduced me to CROSSFAITH on her blog, I have wanted to go SO MUCH
like, in a grumpy screaming tantrum child kind of way :')
I had to miss download due to exams as well :(
So I booked tickets!!!! for November! at Manchester Academy 2!
for the last section of my A levels, I felt too guilty to go to lives, BUT NOW IM FREE AHAHAHA I AM GOING TO UNI AND NOONE CAN TELL ME WHAT TO DO!
So one of my uni goals is to go to as many gigs as is humanly possible!
You should totally check out crossfaith if you like metalcore!!!
Their youtube channel
possibly my favourite song of theirs, snake code
but I love all their songs, so it's hard to choose a favourite!!
Do you like Crossfaith, readers? Which song is your fave?
Thanks for reading! xoxo
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