So another month has flown by at Shinkansen speed (I wonder how long people will tolerate me making that pun for...) Writing these posts has become pretty bittersweet, because my year here will be over soon. This month was so busy, and it's only gonna get worse from here on... JLPT, end of term exams...
Anyway, here's a sneak peak of what I got up to this month (and if you stick around, I'm going to write full blog posts when I get caught up)
Aoi Matsuri/ Kinkakuji
I also went exploring Kyoto on my own, and went to a tonne of places including Tofukuji:
I bought a tonne of new clothes one weekend when I went to town (including a piece I've been lusting after for almost the whole time I've been here, haul post should be up soon).
I went to a cat cafe, and even though I'm actually a little afraid of cats, I had a really good time!
Went to Aichi prefecture on a study trip with uni:
I also finally did all night Karaoke <3
I also went to see Bunraku with Uni~
I'm sad that my last couple of months in Japan will be in summer (Japanese summer is ew, btw- really hot and sticky) and will be soo busy. I have uni stuff right up until august 9th (all my mates back home have finished for summer already) and pretty soon after that I'll be headed home, so I don't have time to do any more big travelling. I'm determined to get some mini adventures in though! I want to explore Kansai more, and if I can I want to go to Tokyo one more time. I'm also itching to go to the beach in this heat, just need to find a suitable beach.
Thanks for reading!
-Amy xoxo
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